How to Get a Pay Rise & What to Do If You Don’t Get It?

There is a phase of life when all of us expected a pay rise after a certain period of time. At that time, we have to confront our HR manager or even boss for the expected raise. But what if our "most important conversation" turned into so intimidating and awkward?
Yes! Getting a pay rise is not an easy to crack a deal. You have to keep all points clear before heading straight to your manager. 

Ask on Behalf of Your Company
You are a valuable asset to a company, prove them. When you want a pay raise, frame in a way that it will better benefit the company, not you completely. This will show that you value the competitiveness of your company more than your personal benefits. 

Play in Your Head
Visualize the conversation about how it will begin. Imagine yourself sitting in front of a manager and evaluating all your valid points. Tell him how you coped with increased work stress, worked long hours, actively involved in each step to bring high productivity. Speak everything that comes in your mind, but frame intents in an order. It’s good to make practice again and again so that you won’t be fumbled in any situation. 

Take Care of Timings
Think carefully when to have a conversation with senior officials. Asking publicly for an appraisal can spot the manager into highlight or even affect on his mood. Be clear with the situation and timing to approach for getting the best outcomes. 

No doubt, these tips can help you to bring good results. But have you ever thought what if even applying on these tips, you won’t get any appraisal. Honestly speaking, there are more chances to get rejected if you are saying after a few months or just after the probation period. So, what to do? Well, in that case, don’t start fighting or arguing. In fact, stay calm and act professionally. 

Meet with the Boss and ask the Exact Reason 
You have the right to ask the reason. If you won’t ask, you might never know why you were being rejected. Schedule a meeting with your boss and ask why you are not getting a hike at this moment. And, if not now, then when there will be the chances? Also, be polite, understanding and professional while talking with your boss. Extreme anger at your end can worsen the situation, hence stay stable and calm. 

Were you promised a raise but still didn’t get? Search for a New Job!
If your boss earlier committed to give rise but denied you this time, then inquire whey you aren’t getting a pay rise. If he is not giving you an exact answer and moving you around a circuitous manner, then it’s time to switch. Even after investing so much time, if you are not getting a pay hike, then switch to another firm. However, ensure you are maintaining professionalism until you work there. 

To conclude, if you are not getting a pay rise even struggling so hard in an organization, find another job at Euphoriea. It is one of the best top recruitment companies in Bangalore, India that help you to find the top companies in no time! 


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